This is MISSABLE as the prologue area cannot be revisited and cannot be replayed in Co-Op either. It is linked below (the first section in Memento Guide): The first thing you have to pay attention to is to grab the 1 missable Memento Collectible during the Prologue. Step 1: Get the Missable Prologue Collectible This allows you to max out one stat, copy back your save, max out the other stat. If you save up 81 Inhibitors and then make a save game backup you can do it in one playthrough. Normally you would need 2 playthroughs because there are not enough Inhibitors (upgrade points) to max out both Health and Stamina in one playthrough (requires 162 Inhibitors to max both but game only has 126). Also due to the lack of any other fallback saves it’s a good idea to back up regularly in case you have a game-breaking up or any other issue you can restore your old save. In case something goes wrong you can copy back your save.

Some story trophies can glitch out, therefore it’s a good practice to back up your save regularly (every few main quests). Basically, the way the game is intended is that you have to mop up anything you missed via Co-Op.
There is no New Game+ and you have only 1 Autosave, there are no Manual Save Slots. The only exception is the Prologue which can’t be replayed in Co-Op.

The good news is that you can still grab all those Collectibles in someone else’s Co-Op session if need be. There are several other Collectibles in areas that become inaccessible later in the story. There is also 1 highly missable “ Memento” Collectible in the Prologue, the reason being that the Prologue is the only part that cannot be replayed in Co-Op. Welcome to the Dying Light 2 Stay Human Trophy Guide! Several Trophies in this game are missable. Except Prologue area which cannot be revisited or replayed in Co-Op. Some story areas become inaccessible but can still go back to them via Co-Op in someone else’s game.